
Who We Are

MD Patient Navigation is an essential member of a patient’s healthcare team. Dedicated to improving patient care and providing timely service across the entire health care continuum from prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive, to end-of-life care.

The term Patient Navigator is often used interchangeably with Patient Advocate and the role may be filled formally or informally by individuals with clinical, legal, financial, or administrative experience, or by someone who has personal experience facing healthcare related challenges.

We’re not just here to help you get access to the very best care and treatment available to you, we’re also here to help you master the learning curve quickly and become your own best advocate.

Meet Melissa D. Major

Founder of MD Navigation & Lead Navigator

Melissa’s interest in becoming a patient navigator is directly influenced by her own cancer survivorship journey. As a young adult survivor of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, she then developed her skills to become her own health advocate. Melissa was able to successfully help many patients do the same during her time volunteering and working at the Cancer Society of the Bahamas in the capacity of Programs and Education Coordinator.

It’s been more than twenty years since Melissa’s cancer survivorship began. She has advanced her development in patient navigation by working with notable experts in their field including Mrs. Susan Roberts, the founder of the Cancer Society of the Bahamas, Dr. John A. Lunn (deceased), contributed to medical research and advancing health care in the Bahamas, the former US Ambassador Ned L. Siegel co-founder of the Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative Foundation, Dr. Steven Narod a world-leader in the fields of breast and ovarian cancers; and a host of local Oncologist in the Bahamas.

Melissa’s passion is to help patients not only get access to the healthcare to which they are entitled, but also to ensure they have a voice in their own health care. She is a member of The Bahamas Country team for the development of a National Cancer Registry and the development of a National Cancer Control Plan. Committee lead for the Healthy Bahamas Coalition Cancer Awareness under the Ministry of Health. Current annual memberships include – The Alliance for Professional Health Advocates and Academy of Oncology Nursing Navigators (AONN), Florida Oncology Navigators Network. Melissa holds several certifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, American Association of Christian Counsellors, Reiki Shoden Practitioner and Mad Dogg Athletics.

We help you access to the very best care and treatment available. Schedule a consultation to learn more.